카테고리 없음

메디케어 한국어 번역 자료 (MyMedicare)

송닷컴닷아유 2023. 11. 7. 20:07

메디케어는 최근에 MyMedicare에 관한 번역된 자료를 공개했습니다. 이 자료에는 팩트시트, 포스터 및 브로슈어가 포함되어 있으며, 이것은 호주의 새로운 자발적 환자 등록 모델인 MyMedicare에 관한 것입니다. 이 모델의 목표는 환자, 일반 의사, 일반 의사 및 주치의 팀 간의 관계를 강화하는 것입니다.



Introducing MyMedicare – Fact sheet

Introducing MyMedicare – Fact sheet
Korean - 한국어
28 September 2023 
Fact sheet
Information ab


  • MyMedicare – Poster 1

    MyMedicare – Poster 1
    Korean - 한국어
    28 September 2023 
    A MyMedicare poster to hang in your practice or community space.

Registering in MyMedicare – Fact sheet

Registering in MyMedicare – Fact sheet
Korean - 한국어
28 September 2023 
Fact sheet
This fact shee



Medicare has recently released translated resources, including factsheets, posters, and brochures, about MyMedicare, Australia's new voluntary patient registration model. Its aim is to strengthen relationships between patients, their general practice, GPs, and primary care teams.

Resources are available in:
▫️Chinese (Simple)
▫️Chinese (Traditional)
